Instamojo Payment gateway -Java

MS Teja
Jan 29, 2021

Hi Readers,

We will see how to implement payments in your application using instamojo java wrapper.

Github Repo:

Please hit a star to the above repo and follow on github.

It’s a spring boot Restful API to create a payment request.

It will require 4 external dependencies to be added in to the pom.xml

  1. Instamojo Java Wrapper
  2. HTTP Client
  3. GSon
  4. HTTP Core-Apache
  5. Apache Common codec
  6. commons Logging

All the above dependencies need to added in the Pom.xml (Already there in github code).

Create an account in ; then get client ID and client Secret using Generate Credentials section.

Then create a controller like how i have done in the above github code-

Just replace clientID and clientSecret with yours in the API context in the controller class.

Replace redirect url with urs.

Then RUN the API!

